Keywords: Preventive measures, vaccines, antibiotics, biocides, probiotics, prebiotics, feed additives, poultry keeping


The poultry industry in Ukraine is growing dynamically due to economic sustainability and relatively fast recovery of investments, which stimulates the intensification of poultry breeding. Violation of veterinary and sanitary rules, poor quality of forage, disruptions in breeding technology, stress different causes create conditions leading to a decrease in resistance of the bird's body, weaken the immune system and, as a result, lead to infectious diseases of different etiologies. The present danger of epizootic diseases and losses incurred to poultry requires the use of a full range of progressive programs of immune correction and prevention of disease, effective bio-protection measures, which optimize metabolic processes in the bird's body, increasing natural resistance. The purpose of the work was to study, monitor, analyze, summarize and evaluate the market of immunobiological drugs, biocides and feed additives for poultry industry at the current stage of development of the national agrarian sector. The analysis of requested and officially registered in Ukraine immunomodulatory drugs, antibiotics, biocides, nutraceuticals and feed additives for poultry breeding shows that a small majority of them (65.8%) are foreign products, while the range of domestic pharmaceutical products (34.2%) indicates a high potential of Ukrainian producers of veterinary drugs and feed additives for poultry industry. For efficient and prolonged action of these treatments a systematic rotation of biocides is necessary in order to prevent etiologic diseases of becoming more resilient. The complex of medical and preventive measures must necessarily take into account local epizootic situation, resistance of bacteria and viruses against physical and chemical factors of disinfectants, progressive and universal methods of immunomodulation of bird organism. We proposed a new biocidal drugs "Biolide" and "Diolide" in the technological system of growing poultry. Complex use of preparations based on these active substances does not require rotation of disinfectants and prolonged action on pathogens. As well as new probiotic drugs Biosapin and Biomagnes. The complex of suggested preparations will increase the prevention of infectious diseases and improve the productivity of poultry breeding.


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How to Cite
Chechet, O. M. (2021). MEASURES FOR PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES AND INCREASING PRODUCTIVITY IN POULTRY. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (3 (54), 60-69.