Keywords: pond fish, invasive diseases, phyllometroidosis, treatment, fish medicine, prevention.


The intensification of fish farming is related to the fight against and prevention of pond fish diseases of infectious and non-infectious etiology. A special place in the etiology of fish diseases is occupied by diseases of parasitic etiology, which cause great material losses for farms. Helminths affect the fish population, causing a delay in their growth and development, reproductive disorders, a decrease in fattening and marketable qualities, and in case of a high intensity of infestation, they cause death. Last but not least in ensuring the development of fish farming is the activity of the veterinary medicine service, whose task is to provide consumers with high-quality and safe aquaculture products. The paper presents the results of the analysis of the biological cycle of the development of the causative agent of philometroroidosis in standing fish Philometra luisiana. Information from scientific sources on the spread of the disease, clinical signs, pathological-anatomical changes, developed means of treatment and prevention is presented. In the fishery of the Chernihiv region, during the planned catch of carp for its sale in the trade network, nematode larvae were found on the outer covers of the carp, which were cherryred in color and 70 to 90 mm long. Our research established their affiliation – Philometroides lusiana. In the future, the extensiveness and intensity of the invasion were calculated. The extent of invasion in the average sample was 72.72%, and the average intensity of invasion was 2.45. Based on the diagnosis of phyllometroidosis in the farm, fish were treated for phyllometroidosis with the drug Rybolik. The therapeutic daily dose of the medicinal and feed mixture for the reservoir was 1.5% of the estimated weight of the fish. The therapeutic dose was divided into 5 portions, which were applied to the feeding places with an interval of 1-2 hours. Proposed veterinary and organizational and economic measures for combating fish farming: gratings were installed in unhealthy sources that limit the entry of sick fish, and sand and gravel filters were installed for filtering water, which delay the penetration of infested intermediate hosts – cyclops. As a result of the treatment, data indicating its effectiveness were obtained, namely a decrease in the average indicator of the extensiveness of invasion from 72.72% to 9.09% and a decrease in the average indicator of intensity of invasion from 2.45 to 0.09. This drug has shown high efficiency in production conditions and can be recommended as an effective tool in the treatment of fish from phyllometroidosis.


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How to Cite
Berezovskyi, A. V., & Yarmoshenko, Y. H. (2022). COMBAT WITH PHILOMETROIDOSE OF POND FISH. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (2(57), 3-8.