Keywords: bees, food resources, nectar-bearing plants, general toxicity, ciliates of Colpoda steinii, test organisms.


The consequences of the impact of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine carry numerous risks of chemical contamination of agricultural landscapes – the basis of the fodder base of beekeeping. Plant tissues are built from the constituent elements of soil and water, in particular the synthesis of nectar and pollen in the reproductive organs of entomophytic plants as the main food resource for bees. Studies in recent years have shown that chemical-analytical methods can not fully determine the biological level of harm to animals and humans from the effects of numerous pollutants of aggressive, anthropogenically altered environment, due to unclear ways of biotransformation and synergy processes with other components of the environment of various toxic substances from the soil that enter the body of honey bees. At present, the impact of the consequences of the use of modern weapons on the territory of agricultural agreements is insufficiently studied. The developed method of using the microbiological method of rapid analysis of general toxicity of various environmental objects that make up the fodder base of beekeeping can serve as a model for assessing the toxicity of the territory and individual objects and an operational tool for detecting harmful elements of forage resources. The method used to create a methodological model (using synchronized culture of colpod infusoria) to determine the indicators of general toxicity, given the universality of its integrated criterion of harmfulness to micro- and macroorganisms of a wide range of environmental elements, can serve as a methodological model of rapid assessment of ecological and toxicological around the apiary and an operational and affordable tool for detecting individual contaminants and finding ways to eliminate and prevent exointoxication of bees and deterioration of honey. Preliminary exploratory rapid studies of individual environmental objects (2014-2021) in the three regions of Ukraine showed the presence of general low toxicity in drinking water in 20.48 ± 8.95% of samples P <0.01), and the toxicity of various degree in the vegetative and generative parts of plants – 5.56 ± 3.51% of samples (P <0.001). The increase in toxic damage to the territory of Ukraine due to military aggression of the Russian Federation challenges the in-depth scientific research to improve the methods of rapid response to prevent exointoxics of bee feed and widespread use of microbiological rapid biotesting of general toxicity.


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How to Cite
Sidashova, S. O., Roman, L. H., Ulizko, S. I., Popova, I. M., & Yasko, V. M. (2022). ECOLOGICAL-TOXICOLOGICAL MODEL SCREENING OF FEED BASE OF DEMONSTRATION APRICOT. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (2(57), 45-52.