Keywords: piglets, antibiotic resistance, antibiotic-resistant microflora, gastrointestinal diseases, S. vulgaris, S. choleraesuis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, S. epidermidis, Str. pyogenes. S. aures, Y. Enterocolitca., conditionally pathogenic bacteria


Resistance to antibiotics – S. vulgaris, S. choleraesuis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, S. epidermidis, Str. pyogenes. S. aures, Y. Enterocolitca.– is one of the most serious problems in pig farming. This study aimed to determine the sensitivity to antibiotics of microorganisms that cause a number of diseases in piglets. The most important problem is diarrhea in the first days of the animals’ life. In this study, nine pathogenic strains were used – S. vulgaris, S. choleraesuis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, K. pneumoniae, S. epidermidis, Str. pyogenes. S. aures, Y. Enterocolitca. They were selected from rectal smears of piglets with diarrhea from farms in the Sumy region. Escherichia coli isolates were highly resistant to amoxicillin (99.9%), followed by oxytetracycline (90.5%), enrofloxacin (85.2%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (84.5%), amoxicillin: clavulanic acid (80%), colistin and gentamicin (75%), ceftriaxone and ceftiofur (62.2%), ceftazidime (30.2%), and 95.1% showed multiresistance (MR). S. Vulgaris isolates were highly resistant to amoxicillin (97.8%), followed by oxytetracycline (89.7%), enrofloxacin (83.4%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (83.1%), amoxicillin: clavulanic acid (80,1%), colistin and gentamicin (72.5%), ceftriaxone and ceftiofur (63.5%), ceftazidime (32.1%), S. Choleraesuis isolates were highly resistant to amoxicillin (96.7%), followed by oxytetracycline (86.7%), enrofloxacin (83.1%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (82.8%), amoxicillin: clavulanic acid (75.6%), colistin and gentamicin (71.3%), ceftriaxone and ceftiofur (62 .5%), ceftazidime (31.0%), P. Aeruginosa isolates were highly resistant to amoxicillin (95.7%), followed by oxytetracycline (85.6%), enrofloxacin (85.6%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (84.5%), amoxicillin: clavulanic acid (80.1%), colistin and gentamicin (62.1%), ceftriaxone and ceftiofur (50.1%), ceftazidime (30.0%). K. Pneumoniae isolates were highly resistant to amoxicillin (70%), followed by oxytetracycline (62%), enrofloxacin (64%), trimethoprim/ sulfamethoxazole (71.1%), amoxicillin:clavulanic acid (51%), colistin and gentamicin (49%), ceftriaxone and ceftiofur (50%), ceftazidime (25.1%). S. epidermidis, Str. pyogenes. S. aures, – isolates, which were highly resistant to amoxicillin (91.2%), followed by oxytetracycline (82.2%), enrofloxacin (83.1%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (81.0%), amoxicillin: clavulanic acid (79 .2%), colistin and gentamicin (60.2%), ceftriaxone and ceftiofur (51.1%), ceftazidime (25.0%). Y. Enterocolitca isolates were highly resistant to amoxicillin (90.1%), followed by oxytetracycline (81.9%), enrofloxacin (80.2%), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (75.0%), amoxicillin:clavulanic acid (75.0%), colistin and gentamicin (60.2%), ceftriaxone and ceftiofur (50.9%), ceftazidime (27.0%) and 97.3% showed multiresistance (MR). An important step in solving this issue is monitoring the sensitivity of microorganisms, the causative agents of bacterial piglets’ infections to antimicrobial drugs. It will help not only in choosing an effective antibacterial drug, but will also allow to do the appropriate measures to prevent the development of antibiotic resistance and manage the threats of their spread in a certain farm, region and country in general.


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How to Cite
Bakun, Y. Y. (2023). DETERMINATION OF MICROORGANISMS` SENSITIVITY ISOLATED FROM PIGLETS WITH GASTROINTESTINAL DISORDERS TO ANTIBIOTICS. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (3(58), 3-8.