Keywords: Avizuril, poultry, eimeria, treatment, indicators of homeostasis.


Eimeriosis is one of the main problems of commercial poultry farming. Eimeriosis outbreaks cause great financial losses for poultry farms. Measures aimed at combating poultry eimeria and the cost of anti-eimeria drugs also require financial costs. Therefore, it is very important to develop modern domestic drugs for the fight against eimeria, which can compete with foreign analogues, and to which eimeria has not yet developed resistance. In their experiments, they used Avizuril, a domestic drug produced by NVF "Brovafarma", which contains only one active ingredient – toltrazuril. Two groups of 16 chickens each were used in the experiment. The experimental group was spontaneously invaded by pathogens: E. tenella and E. necatrix. In the control group there was a clinically healthy bird, in the droppings of which Eimeria oocysts were not detected. To determine the morphological and biochemical indicators of blood, it was collected from the sub-pterygoid vein in the morning before feeding on the 1st, 5th and 15th day after the course of drug administration. Studies carried out on the fifth day indicate the continuation of the therapeutic effect of the drug. Eimeria was detected in only 20% of the flock, and the intensity of infestation in sick birds decreased to 900 oocysts in one gram of droppings. When studying the indicators on the 15th day after treatment, it was established that Eimeria was detected in only one bird, which was 6.2% of the total number of experimental objects. In this case, the intensity of infestation was 200 oocysts in one gram of droppings. The use of the drug Avizuril, which has high therapeutic properties, contributed to the reduction of the extensiveness and intensity of the infestation in experimental birds during the entire period of observation during the experiment. The use of the drug Avizuril also had a positive effect on the course of the disease, namely, it contributed to the cessation of diarrhea on the third day after its use in all birds in the experimental group. Studies of the morphological indicators of the blood of the experimental bird established the restoration of the number of erythrocytes, the decrease of the number of leukocytes in the experimental group. The use of the drug Avizuril contributed to a decrease in the number of basophils by 0.8% and eosinophils by 5.2% compared to the indicators of sick birds, an increase in the level of pseudoeosinophils by 7.7% was noted, which indicates the anti-inflammatory effect of the use of the drug Avizuril. The use of Avizuril contributed to the restoration of the state of the liver and the general homeostasis of the bird's body, which was manifested by the restoration of the biochemical indicators of the blood serum of chickens to the indicators of the control group.


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How to Cite
Fotina, T. I., & HunkoО. A. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF THE THERAPEUTIC EFFECTIVENESS OF ANTIPROTOZOIC DRUG AVIZURIL. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Veterinary Medicine, (3(62), 107-112.