Keywords: buckwheat, harvesting, alternative technologies, machine complexes, indicators of use, qualitative indicators, economic efficiency


The article presents a comparative technical and operational and technical and economic evaluation of buckwheat harvesting technologies, one of which involves pre-spraying crops with desiccants to further ensure direct combining, and the second - pre-mowing crops in rolls, followed by their selection and threshing. The problem in general form. The problem is to determine a more rational version of buckwheat harvesting technologies, the alternative of which is between a separate (two-phase) method of harvesting and direct combining, given that grain groats of this crop are used for dietary nutrition. Formulation of research goals. Establishment of analytical indicators of the use of machine units, which are used in the tech-nological processes of harvesting buckwheat and which would make it possible to determine more rational schemes for harvesting this crop. Despite the high value, buckwheat grain production in Ukraine is not at the proper level: grain yield is low, losses during harvesting are large, and the cost is high, which is subsequently reflected in the price of buckwheat. Solving the problem of significantly increasing the production of buckwheat by increasing yields and reducing the cost of work on growing buckwheat is relevant today. As you know, until recently, almost everywhere used traditional and non-alternative technology of harvesting buckwheat, which involved mowing the plant mass (stems, leaves, inflorescences, grain) in rolls, and after drying to harvest moisture (stem moisture 18-20%) picking and threshing rolls. For an objective and reliable assessment of technology it is necessary to have information about the technological capabilities of machines, their prices to form the necessary rational set of machines, to have a method of comparative evaluation of typical and alternative technology of buckwheat harvesting. Theoretical prerequisites for determining the use of machine units Reaper units. The traction resistance of reaper units, which are traction-driving machines, is the sum of the traction resistance of the reaper and the traction force that could be further developed by a tractor or other energy source due to the power expended through GDP.


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How to Cite
Mikulina, M. A., & Polyvanyi, A. D. (2021). RESEARCH THE NEED FOR IMPROVEMENT OF THE TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES OF CLEANING BUCKET. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes, (1 (43), 28-33.

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