Keywords: probiotics, stimulating feeding, bees, egg production, strength of families, sealed brood


In beekeeping, a significant number of stimulants are currently used, which have a positive effect on the recovery of bee colonies after wintering, accelerate the growth of bee colonies and allow bees to be better prepared for the main honey collection. The use of probiotic preparations as part of stimulating supplements helps to overcome difficult periods in the development of the bee colony and increases the productivity of colonies. The purpose of the conducted research was to study the influence of spring stimulating top dressings with probiotics on brood rearing, family development and egg production of queen bees. The research was conducted on 24 bee families at the apiary of the Chernyatin professional college of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. In the early spring, bees were stimulated to feed from ceiling feeders for 3 weeks with 2-day intervals of 0.3 l of syrup for each bee colony. In the control group, bees received pure sugar syrup, in the second experimental group – sugar syrup + 2 g of vetalife, in the third experimental group – sugar syrup + 2 g of bioseven. The obtained research data prove that the early spring feeding of bees with probiotics had a positive effect on the growth of brood, the egg production of queen bees and the strength of families. During the spring period of development, in the second group, where bees were given the vetalife probiotic with sugar syrup, closed brood was grown by 31.9% (р<0.001), in the third group, where the bioseven probiotic was used, by 37.1% (р<0.001) more. On April 20, the strength of families in the second group was greater by 21.6%, the third by 30.7% at p<0.001.In the following accounting periods of May, the tendency to increase the specified indicator in experimental families is followed. At the end of the spring period, the strength of bee families is higher in the second group by 33.3% and in the third group by 35.9%. Egg production of queens increased (at p<0.001) in March in the second group by 24.0% and in the third group by 29.0%, in April by 39.3% and 46.0%, in May by 29.7% and 31 .8% (р<0.001), respectively. The research results can be used by beekeepers to optimize the feeding regime of honey bees and increase the growth and development of bee families.


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How to Cite
Razanova, O. P., & Skrypnyk, S. V. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF PROBIOTIC DRUGS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BEE FAMILIES IN THE SPRING PERIOD. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 54-60.