Keywords: mass of larvae, feeding, wax productivity, family strength, perga, honey productivity


The purpose of the conducted research was to study the effect of the subtiform probiotic on the economic and beneficial indicators of bees. The research was conducted on bees of the Ukrainian steppe breed of a private apiary in the village of Volodymyrivka, Vinnytsia district. Bee families were kept in multi-body beehives, 10 combs in each body, with frame sizes of 435x145 mm. Bees in the control group were given pure sugar syrup, and in the experimental group, probiotic subtiform was added to the sugar syrup in doses of 0.5 mg/l, 1.5 mg/l, and 2.0 mg/l. Stimulating top-feeding in the spring period contributed to the intensive secretion of wax by bees, and the introduction of a probiotic supplement at the rate of 1.5 g/l of syrup had the greatest effect. The bees of this group rebuilt 37.9%, 8.1 and 9.0% more combs compared to the control, second and third groups. In the families of the third group, where the bees were given the probiotic subtiform at a dose of 1.5 g/l of sugar syrup as part of the stimulating feeding, compared to the control, second and fourth groups, 4.2 and 0.9% more closed brood was grown. No significant effect of the subtiform probiotic as part of the stimulating supplement on the mass of three- and six-day-old larvae and one-day-old bees was found. Only the third group had a slightly larger advantage of 2.7%, 1.5 and 2.4%, respectively. At the beginning of the main honey collection, the strength of bee colonies in the second group was higher than that of the control group by 9.1%, the third by 20.3%, and the fourth by 2.05%. Bees that were fed a probiotic supplement at a dose of 1.5 g/l of sugar syrup secreted wax more intensively, compared to the control group by 37.9%, the second and fourth groups by 8.1 and 9.0% more reconstructed honeycombs. Compared to the data of the control group, wax was produced by 34.3%, the third by 50%, and the fourth by 37.5%. The bees of the research groups collected more honey by 17.5–20.6%, the bees – by 25.9–66.6%. The most pronounced increase in economic and useful indicators of bees was found in the third group.


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How to Cite
Razanova, O. P., Shulha, Y. I., & Saliuk, O. O. (2022). PRODUCTIVITY OF BEE FAMILIES IN THE PERIOD OF PREPARATION FOR THE MAIN MEDICATION UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A PROBIOTIC. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. The Series: Livestock, (2), 61-67.